Let our children pray for you. Submit an anonymous prayer today!

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Prayers Answered
God, please help me. God bless my mom and her Fiancé. Help him not to hurt her again. In Jesus name Amen Prayer answered, the man who strangled the mom and pulled a gun on her is now incarcerated and does not pose a threat to the family.
God help me to understand why my brother got shot and died. Help my family to heal we are still sad and crying. Amen We got counseling for the children that have experienced trauma, they often:

  • Forgetting how or being unable to talk
  • Acting out the scary event during playtime
  • Being unusually clingy with a parent or other adult.
  • Bed wetting, when they’d learned how to use the toilet before
  • Acting out aggressively, screaming
Praying for help with school and to learn my letters. Also protect my mother from her boyfriend he is a gang member and mean to me. I pray for my mom, grandmother and sister. Pray for focus and attention in school as well as monitor progress. The boyfriend is now out of the picture.
I pray for the teachers to help me to learn and remember the things that I need to need do.
We need to pray for the teacher’s patience. We thank God for ABW Reading Buddies, Homework Help, I-Ready Reading, and one on one tutoring programs.

Pray there is no satanic activity blocking intellect and ability to learn.

Pray for my Mommie and sister Praying with individuals and the group and the situation is much better.
One child’s mom had a heart attack, and she wants us to pray for her health. When I asked her was her dad in the home her response was I don’t have a dad. She is 7 and can’t write!!!
Recovering and back at home, she is working with all of ABW’s programs.
One of the boys wants to move in with his dad who is in a gang and treats him badly. He wants to ask God to help him understand why his mom and dad are split up. Continuing to pray for God to supernaturally infuse love, passion and compassion for their children. Let it be a supernatural manifestation of grace.
Pray for the teachers in the school that they are more patient with the children and stop arguing with them.
Continuing to teach the children how to pray for their teachers patience.
Pray for mom and Nana who have Covid. Mom and Nana are healed
Getting bullied Currently teaching on what it looks like to be bullied and how to handle it from a God perspective. They have learned prayers for those who bullied and for the bullies.
Good grades
We are working on goals and doing Goal Boards to monitor grades. ABW programs are phenomenal.
I want to improve my behavior in school, so I don’t make my mom sad Teaching and praying about focus and attention, also praying about exercising our will and having accountability for our actions.
My mom’s health and my

grandma is covid crazy

Mom and Nana are now healed
My mom cries every day and night Praying for the peace of God to rest on his mom.
The war and all the people dying, pray that this is the last war, stop and think before you start a war Praying for Ukraine and how the children perceive what’s happening in the world. Also praying for gun violence in the schools.
Pass EOG’s and go to college so we can get good careers Will monitor on our goal boards
Successful job and life Did vision boards with the children which they really enjoyed. We had them create where they want to be as far as a career and what life skill they would need to accomplish their goals.
Make over $100,000 and work at the hospital
Learn to appreciate God and Jesus so you can have a good life Learn about creation, faith and prayer by doing practicums. Taught creation 9/25-11/27
People cussing
Teaching morals and values
Boys making nasty sounds Teaching respect
Rude teachers Praying for Godly teachers who are patient and have the students education as their priority
Teachers are not fair – we need fairness at school
Understand what fairness means to them and teach fairness goes both ways
Fighting at school Teach about bullying and self- control
Crimes and criminals
Racism in school
Teach segment on racism and what it means to students
I just want to have a better life Pray on how to improve your life by paying attention, focus and life skills for life
For mom’s trucking business to take off The mom is now in school and learning how to drive the truck
That the teacher and kids stop laughing at me when I answer questions, especially math questions
Using reading buddies and the I Ready program to improve math skills
Grandmother is very sick, praying for healing Grandmother is healing from COVID
Dad is in jail for 10 years, praying for an early release
The dog is very sick and prays for healing Dog is healed! Amen.
Pray that mom will cook breakfast in the morning, very hungry Done
Pray for more money to pay bills Life Skill training program being put in place to assist with job skills
Cousin was shot and died Praying for the family and additional counseling
Dad cut his leg Healed
Granny had successful surgery, pray for her voice to come back
Healing has taken place
Uncle shot in the knee He is still in therapy
Yaya’s house caught on fire, and she got burned on her leg Healing and back in her house
Most common responses collected from Survey completed by the Older Students

Parents persistently argue in front of the kids

Comments that really hurt like “I didn’t want you in the first place” or “you are stupid”

They feel abused mentally, emotionally and physically

They feel a lot of pressure to try to fit in the crowd

Feelings of being overwhelmed

Pray for family members that are incarcerated

Pray for the families’ financial resources

They feel neglected

Have a tough time admitting they are wrong or receiving discipline for lying

Have tendency to reject others so they will not be the first one to feel rejected